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Educators & Teachers

Mindful Educator Program is a four-week face to face professional development course, accredited by the International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance, that will give you the skills and confidence you need to deliver fun, interactive and impactful mindfulness sessions to support the mental health of the children you teach. 

The current issues we are facing...

32% of young Australians are reporting high or very high levels of psychological distress – more than treble the rate in 2007 (9%).

Mindfulness training
Mindfulness training for educators

One in seven young people aged 4 to 17 years experiences mental health conditions. This is equivalent to 560,000 Australian children and adolescents.

Mindfulness training for teachers

In Australia, 41% of teachers report high levels of stress.

The impact this having on teachers & educators

  • Teacher burnout

  • Emotional and physical distress

  • Reduced self-esteem & confidence

  • Leaving their profession

  • Unengaged and dispassionate

The impact this having on children

  • Bullying

  • Disengagement

  • Aggression

  • Suicide rates

  • Self-esteem & confidence

  • Focus & concentration

  • Communication

  • Student well-being

How mindfulness can help

Supports self-regulation and builds emotional intelligence.

Mindfulness training for teachers

Increases focus and concentration leading to improved academic performance.

Mindfulness training

Decreases stress and anxiety and increases self-esteem and confidence.

mindfulness training for teachers

Creates a calmer environment with reduced peer aggression.

mindfulness training for teachers

What we cover in A Mindful Educator

Over the six weeks, we dive into a different area of mindfulness each week. With a focus on the science and the research, practical tips and tools, and downloadable resources, you will be confident in implementing a fun and effective mindfulness program in your classroom or centre. 

Mindful Activity & Craft

Creating an attitude to gratitude, resilience and kindness.

Mindfulness For You Creating your own effective and life changing mindfulness practice.

Mindful Nature Time

Connecting with yourself and the world around you.

Mindful Breathing

Supporting self-regulation and building emotional intelligence.

Mindfulness training for educators
mindfulness training for teachers
mindfulness training for teachers
mindfulness training for teachers
mindfulness training for teachers

Mindful Brain Breaks

Creating strong minds and bodies through mindful movement.

mindfulness training for teachers

Mindful Circle Time

Building confidence in sharing thoughts and feelings.

mindfulness training for teachers

Mindful Me Time

Making meditation age-appropriate and teaching the skill of relaxation.


What's included?

  • Weekly mindfulness module shared each week 

  • Weekly implementation task

  • Weekly worksheets

  • Downloadable resources

  • Private Facebook community for sharing knowledge and connection

  • Small groups for maximum support

  • Accredited certificate of completion

  • 14hrs elective professional developement.

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The benefits of A Mindful Educator for

educators' well-being

mindfulness training for teachers

100% of educators feel calmer after holding a mindfulness session with the children they teach.

mindfulness training for teachers

88% of educators now have a mindfulness practice. This helps them feel present and less stressed.

mindfulness training for teachers

100% of educators said there was an improvement in their own mental well-being after completing the program.

Yoga at Home

What educators are saying about the benefits of

A Mindful Educator to their well-being...

"I feel much calmer myself, I believe mindfulness is so important in this industry."

"I'm definitely taking more time for myself and learning not to take on more than I can handle. This has helped me become more mindful and not as stressed."


The benefits of A Mindful Educator for

children's well-being

mindfulness training for teachers

100% of educators said there has been an improvement in the overall well-being of the children they teach.

mindfulness training for teachers

86% of educators said there has been an increase in emotional intelligence in the children since teaching mindfulness.

mindfulness training for teachers

100% of teachers said children are calmer after having

A Mindful Me Time session.


What educators are saying about the benefits of

A Mindful Educator to the children's well-being...

"We are all so much calmer, children are relaxed, they know more about their emotions and they know it's okay to feel a certain way."


"Children are discussing their feelings and using breathing techniques if frustrated or upset."

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