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Does mindfulness really make a difference to the well-being of our children?

The answer is a big fat yes and I have the data to back this up! I am so excited to share the research and data with you and showcase the current issues we are facing, the impact this is having and how mindfulness can help change this. Read on to be wowed and to learn how you can bring mindfulness into your child's life.....

Firstly let's look at some of the current issues we are facing when it comes the well-being of our children....

What's the impact of this shocking stat.....

I think you will agree with me and Jason Trethowan, CEO of Headspace 'The figures are too high to be ignored or not be taken as serious warning that the mental well-being of our future generation needs to be prioritised, nurtured and safeguarded.”

Don't worry there is something we can do, we can advocate for mindfulness in our children's centres and schools and we can practice simple mindfulness at home! Here is the proof, real life data and research completed to showcase the REAL DIFFERENCE mindfulness makes to the lives of our children....

Slide one is taken from the Journal of school psychology and research completed with children who took part in a mindfulness based intervention program and slide two and three are stats taken from my own survey from educators who completed A Mindful Educator training program.

Do you love those stats? Do you want to see mindfulness happening in your school or preschool? If yes then I have created a booklet 'Mindfulness and Well-being at your centre or school' and I can email you a copy to pass onto your school principal or centre director. Once they read this booklet I know that they will be keen to train their educators and teachers in becoming mindfulness leaders!!

Are you keen to try some mindfulness at home but not too sure where to start?? Check out my Mindful Families Essential Series which include awesome Must Have Guides on how you can bring mindfulness into the family home to help support emotions, bedtime, calm mornings and mamma time!! They are jsut $27 each!!!! All the details are here -

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